Marko Uršič
Dr. Marko Uršič (roj. 1951) je profesor filozofije narave, renesančnih študij ter logike in teorije simbolnih form na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, v pokoju. Njegovo glavno knjižno delo je obsežna tetralogija Štirje časi s podnaslovom »Filozofski pogovori in samogovori« (2002–2015). V angleškem jeziku je izdal dve knjigi: Shadows of Being (2018) in v soavtorstvu Mind in Nature (2012). Med filozofskimi nauki mu je najbližji (novo)platonizem, predvsem v povezavi s kozmološkim panteizmom. Posveča pa se tudi študiju budistične duhovnosti, zadnja leta zlasti japonskemu budizmu, pri čemer sodeluje tudi s profesorjem Yujinom Itabashi z Univerze Rissho v Tokiu. | Marko Uršič, PhD (b. 1951) is a professor of the Philosophy of nature, of the Renaissance studies, and of Logics and the Theory of symbolic forms, in the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, in retirement. His main work is the extensive tetralogy Four Seasons with the subtitle “Philosophical dialogues and monologues” (2002–2015). He published also two books in English: Shadows of Being (2018) and Mind in Nature (2012, in co-authorship). Among all philosophical views, his favourite is Neoplatonism, combined with cosmological pantheism. He is also engaged in studies of the Buddhist spirituality, in the last years especially in the Japanese Buddhism, also in cooperation with Professor Yujin Itabashi from the Rissho University in Tokyo.