Natalie Depraz

Natalie Depraz

Natalie Depraz is Professor of Contemporary and German Philosophy at the University of Rouen Normandy and she is a University Member of the Husserl-Archives at the Ecole Normale Supรฉrieure in Paris. She currently holds the Chair of Excellence in Philosophy at the francophone University of Galatasaray in Istanbul Turkey with a Research Program entitled: Phenomenology of Convolutive Neuronal Networks in Deep Learning. She early specialized in Husserl’s phenomenology, extensively translating Husserl’s manuscripts on intersubjectivity, attention and emotion. She wrote numerous books on otherness, consciousness, writing, lived body, attention, emotions and surprise. She gradually engaged in a reform of phenomenology she names a practical experiential micro-phenomenology, also drawing first-person resources for this purpose in buddhist meditation and the orthodox prayer of the heart. She directed an ANR Program on surprise and emotions and developed a longstanding proximity with mental health professionals. Finally, she co-authored a book and a number of articles with Francisco Varela and recently developed an epistemological paradigm called “cardiophenomenology” as a refinement of Varela’s neurophenomenology. Her first self-fiction L’endroit was published 2019 in Genรจve Switzerland.


