Gre za prvi del prispevka, prej objavljenega v reviji Phainomena, 124-125(32), str. 221-253. Povzetek V prispevku kritično ovrednotim osnovne predpostavke fenomenološke interpretacije znanstvene revolucije v delih Edmunda Husserla…
V prispevku bom predlagal model formalnega sistema, ki ga je v knjigi Zakona oblike [The Laws of Form] razvil George Specer-Brown. Sistem je bil deležen že nekaterih analiz…
We have a new website for the upcoming symposium. Check it out – What Is Life: Beyond Reductionism Symposium
The Loch NESS Monster – Free Energy and Life Over the last two decades Friston’s Free Energy Principle has morphed from a model of the brain into a…
We are very happy to present our next speaker at the “What Is Life?” symposium: Anne Sophie Meincke – a philosopher of biology, who is not afraid to…
“I am a systems scientist, an evolutionary biologist, and a natural philosopher with an extremely transdisciplinary track record”, writes Johannes Jaeger, one of the speakers at the upcoming…
In our last post we presented an illustrative example of normative value arising out of a self-sustaining life form. We saw that the normative dimension, which differentiates between…
Welcome to the Vital Normativity Project Blog! We are delighted that you share our enthusiasm for exploring alternative ways of understanding life. In this post, I will try…
Ouroboros, XI. Speaker of the day: Andreas Weber Topic: Varela, Weber, “Life after Kant – Natural purposes and the autopoietic foundations of biological individuality” (2002)