Science and the Modern World, VII. Presenter: Matthew Segall Chapters: Ch. X “Abstraction” & Ch. XI “God”
Ouroboros, IX. Speaker of the day: Michel Bitbol Topic: Varela, “The phenomenology of Śūnyatā. I.”
Ouroboros, VIII. Speaker of the day: Antoine Lutz Topic: Varela, “Neurophenomenology: A Methodological Remedy for the Hard Problem” (1996)
Science and the Modern World, VI Presenter: Timotej Prosen Chapter: Ch. IX “Science and Philosophy”
V prispevku obravnavam fenomenološko kritiko klasične (objektivne) znanosti. Prispevek sestoji iz šestih razdelkov. Po kratkem pretresu vprašanja o (ne)relevantnosti in motivih fenomenološke kritike znanosti (prvi razdelek) se lotim…
Science and the Modern World, V. Presenter: Izak Hudnik Chapters: Ch. VII “Relativity” & Ch. VIII “The Quantum Theory”
Science and the Modern World, IV. Presenter: Primož Vidovič Chapters: Ch. V “The Romantic Revolt” & Ch. VI “The Nineteenth Century”
Science and the Modern World, III. Presenter: Miha Flere Chapters: Ch. III “The Century of Genius” & Ch. IV “The Eighteenth Century”
The redeeming word of our age, the only thing “to be grasped on this side of all ideologies, on this side of God and the state, of nature…